Congresswoman Angie Craig visits NPHS

Courtesy Congresswoman Angie Craig’s Office

Before meeting with students Congresswoman Angie Craig talked with New Prague Area Schools administrators.

Ava Hart, Writer

The halls of the high school held an important guest Tuesday, October 1 as Congresswoman Angie Craig paid a visit. Craig came all the way to New Prague to talk to a few groups, the main being a selection of students representing the MARS classes. Students from the business, anatomy and psychology, healthcare exploration, and education programs gave the congresswoman a run down on their classes. This was part of Craig’s mission to “[make] career and technical education programs more accessible” ( 

Besides these career programs, she also stopped in to talk to Youth in Government and 5th hour CIS public speaking. Within these visits her main talking points were the importance of education, her background, and what she believes is best to focus on in politics. 

Sopomore YIG member Sullivan Hart, gave his opinion on Craig’s visit, “It was chill. . . I wish she had some more time and could have answered more questions.”

Courtesy Congresswoman Angie Craig Office
Congresswoman Angie Craig’s Facebook post
September 30, 2019
My next stop today – touring New Prague High School in ISD 721 to learn more about how I can be an effective partner at the federal level. New Prague HS is home to dedicated teachers, hardworking students, and an innovative CTE program. Thanks for having me!