World Kindness Day takes over
November 26, 2019
Every year, International World Kindness Day takes place on November 13th. Countries including Canada, Nigeria, Austria, and more recognize this day. Of all the spots and regions on the globe that participate in World Kindness Day, the little town of New Prague is one of them. The BRIDGE Club at the New Prague High School helps to acknowledge this event. BRIDGE stands for Building Relations In Diverse Generations Empowering Equity and is run by seniors Grace Knutson and Sadie El-Wailli.
This year BRIDGE started World Kindness Day off by visiting the middle school in the morning. BRIDGE members greeted students as they walked into school holding up signs with motivational messages reminding students of their worth and encouraging them to spread kindness. BRIDGE stood at the bus loop doors and the front doors giving high fives and welcoming kids into the school. Members also walked around the cafeteria greeting students and by the locker banks as students walked to class. The BRIDGE members were even invited to play dodgeball with some of the advisory classes.
Later in the morning members split into two groups and headed

BRIDGE students pose with Middle School Principal Brad Gregor.
to Falcon Ridge and Raven Stream. At both schools, BRIDGE greeted students with high fives and kind messages near the bus loop and front doors. Once all of the elementary kids were in the building, the students of BRIDGE walked around the hallways further spreading the World Kindness Day spirit. The group at Falcon Ridge got to join a gym class with Mr. Wagner and participated in basketball stations. At Raven Stream Elementary School, BRIDGE members greeted kids while they were at their lockers.
BRIDGE member Juliett Garcia said, “It was an overwhelming experience seeing what simple acts of kindness can do to make someone’s day.”
Lastly, BRIDGE celebrated at the high school serving ice cream to students and promoting a poster. Students earned ice cream by signing the poster which asked: “What does kindness mean to you?”

Ian Hanson and Grace Knutson remind middle school students they matter.
Co-Leader Sadie El-Wailli spoke about the great accomplishments of the day and said, “I really liked to see everyone write something kind on the poster and then later spread it throughout the day.”
In addition to all the activities throughout the day, BRIDGE encouraged students to wear blue because “It’s cool to be kind.” This is only the BRIDGE Club’s second year at our school, but it is already making big motions.
With a goal of recognizing the cultures within our school district and community in an inclusive spirit, The BRIDGE Club is planning more events like this in the future and focusing even more on the annual Culture Fair hosted at the high school every March.
Nicole Adams • Dec 4, 2019 at 12:07 pm
Thanks for modeling kindness BRIDGE!