Why you should write an editorial

Ayush Kapali, Writer

Have you ever had an opinion you have been saving up and wanted to get it out into the world? Have you ever wanted to get something off of your chest in the form of writing? Maybe you just enjoy writing for fun. I have the perfect solution for you: an editorial. 

Editorials are opinion pieces that anyone can write and submit to the Trojan Times staff. You can really write about anything. Got something on your mind? Write about it. Did your favorite show not end the way you wanted it to? Write about it. Or maybe you have a specific topping you despise on pizza, you can most certainly write about that one. 

There are some limitations to Trojan Times editorials. The editorials should be no longer than 500 words. The Trojan Times editorial staff will review every piece to make sure it is publication-ready. The staff also reserves the right to not publish editorials or to limit how many pieces one person can submit.  

Despite these guidelines, it’s always a good idea to write and submit something. You have nothing to lose in this situation. Just be sure to have fun with it.  No need for any MLA or Chicago format on these; just write to your heart’s content.