Intro to education class offered at NPHS

Ella Ettlin, Editor

The MARS program is a well-known aspect of the New Prague High School curriculum. Whether it would be for the business or healthcare side, most former students advocate for the classes and have felt the benefits in their lives going forward. Even though both of those courses offer an experience like none other, there was still a piece missing in the program as a whole. 

Lydia Popple

Education is a highly popular field, so the high school wanted to help potential teachers expand their knowledge and gain experience. Thus, the Intro to Education class was born. This is a Normandale credit class that is a year-long versus a semester-long blocking out two hours. Students have been able to shadow teachers thus far and learn about what it means to plan lessons, hear speakers, and understand what an impact teachers have on students. 

Frau Elsen has taken on the challenge of teaching this new class and had this to say about the year so far: “Even though this year has not looked how I would have liked it to, this class has still been a super fun class to teach. I am so happy that the students were able to enter other classrooms and experience teaching in action. That experience helped my students and myself reach the goal of deciding if or where they would like to teach. The students have been awesome, and I am looking forward to continuing the class in-person!”

Lydia Popple

When asked about why she decided to take the class, Bethany Jacobson responded, “I chose to take the class because I have always wanted to be a teacher. I also thought that the class would help me decide if I really wanted to go into education (which it did).” 

The MARS program area classes are designed to help students understand their potential field even more than before. Even though they tend to be serious classes, there are still many fun memories and laughs shared. 

Senior Karley Vochoska said, “My favorite part of the class has been going to the middle school to shadow a teacher to see what teaching is like from a different perspective. Plus, Frau Elsen teaches it, so you know it’s going to be a fun class!” 

If you are interested in becoming a teacher and want to explore that area more, make sure you sign up for the MARS: Intro to Education class to get a real look at what being a teacher is like!