2021 Graduation

May 17, 2021
The year is coming to an end, and that means graduation. With every other thing in this crazy past year or so being changed because of COVID, the class of 2021 looks forward to fairly normal graduation. Major changes include a limit of four people per graduate, guests wearing masks, and following the MDH Guidelines.
May 14th was the last mandatory day in school for students outside of exams, labs, and other final activities. While welcome to come in for class physically, there is a risk mentioned in the Spring Update for Seniors newsletter, “If a student is exposed to a positive covid case in school or a school-related activity during this event, he or she will not be able to attend commencement on May 28.”
The seniors are excited about graduation and being able to celebrate. An anonymous senior commented, “I am very thankful to be having a graduation ceremony this year. We all are. We started this year thinking we would be having live-stream graduation from our living rooms, and we couldn’t be happier that we are able to celebrate together. Just not everyone will be there because the capacity was cut short allowing us to only four people per graduate. Not all of us will be able to celebrate this momentous occasion with our loved ones.”