Cross Country season wrap up
November 24, 2021
Cross country wrapped up their season this fall. The team is coached by Nick Meyer and Shawn Brandt. The teams placed well in meets and overall had a great season. Both teams had a big finish at the Gerry Smith Invitational. The boys placed second and the girls placed ninth out of 26 teams in Montgomery.

A handful of athletes earned Metro West Conference honors this year. Nora Rosemeier received All-Conference and Faith Boyer was an Honorable Mention. Jacob Malecha, Mitch Krostue, and Ryan Schoen all earned All-Conference honors. Malecha also placed 3rd in Sections giving him a ticket to State.
Although cross country may be thought of as an individual sport, these runners showed unity and team spirit. If you have ever seen their practices, all members have a big smile on their faces. The seniors’ leadership and dedication had a large impact on this.

The boy’s team seniors include: Michael Fish, Mitchell Krostue, Jacob Malecha, James Sackett, Brayden Shultz, and Chase Trygestad. The girl team seniors include: Faith Boyer, Abbey Carlson, Riley Holets, Maddi Holicky, Katelyn Medina, Nora Rosemeier, Sydney Stenger, Kaitlyn Stoffel, and Samantha Theis.

Another great season in the books for NPXC! Although many dedicated seniors will be graduating, younger runners will pick up where they left off. Best of luck to them in their next seasons.