Number 1 tip to fit in: Be yourself

November 29, 2021
Feeling compelled to fit in? This may seem cliché to you, but being yourself is the best way to fit in. Dress however you want, act however you want, and be friends with whomever you want. Sometimes, especially as a teenager in high school, you can tend to feel lost or misunderstood, maybe confused or judged. You could even feel stuck like you know where you want to go and who you want to be, but you don’t know how to get there. All these feelings are completely normal. You’re not alone, even if it feels that way. Furthermore, hiding who you truly are is not going to do anything but harm you. Embrace your emotions, and use them to express yourself. Wear that vintage jacket and ripped jeans if you want. Dye your hair that vibrant color. Do whatever makes YOU happy. Expressing yourself through style, music, makeup, etc. are all great ways to help you feel more balanced and happy. Pretending to be someone or something you’re not takes a toll on you. Don’t be afraid to show your real skin because you never know who you could be inspiring to do the same! You’re not alone, and YOU are beautiful. Embrace it!