Boys swim and dive team makes a splash

Lea Sirek, Writer

New Prague High School has recently started a swim and dive team for boys. There are currently 22 boys on the team, and it is coached by Kristen Munden, Heather Webb, and Tracy Torgerson. There are 3 team captains: Seniors Ryan Foust and Johnathan Sayler, and Junior Alex Dvorak. 

The team is off to a stellar start with a victory in its first home meet December 14 vs. Red Wing with a score of New Prague 106 – Red Wing 75. They also defeated Bloomington Jefferson December 16 with a score of New Prague 103 – Bloomington Jefferson 78.

The majority of the team was, or even still is, a part of the Neptune Swim Club. The boys swim and dive team has practices every day after school. The dive practices are from 3:00 PM to 4:30 PM, and the swim practices are from 3:30 PM to 5:30 PM, so if you choose to do both swim and dive, you end up at the pool for about two and a half hours each day, and sometimes more if you choose to still be involved in the Neptune Swim Club. 

Foster Dresen, who is on both the Neptune Club Team and the boys high school team participates in both swim and dive competitions. Something he said that he struggles with is the diving portion because he has never had the opportunity to dive before.

Alex Dvorak, who has experience on the Neptune team and is now a captain of the boys high school team, said the wishes more people knew that the swim and dive team existed. He believes the more people that know about it, the more people will join. 

Everyone on the team recommends joining because it is a fun, exciting, and awesome environment for creating new friendships, and a great way to exercise.