What are your plans after high school?

May 17, 2022
- Elise Pahl: “I will be going to Winona State University for a Music Minor and an undecided major”
- Heidi Jahn: “Culinary Food Science at Iowa State”
- Wyatt Davis: “Gap year for generals at DCTC”
- James Sackett: *points at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University shirt*
- Nora Rosemeier: “University of Minnesota Twin Cities for architecture”
- Jessica Sandusky: “Gap year with Mission work starting in Kansas City, Kansas”
- Sydney Stegner: “I am attending UW Madison with a major in Kinesiology to pursue physical therapy”
- Allison Thompson: “Going to North Dakota State University for biology/pre-med and Dance team”
- Macy Tietz: “Iowa State majoring in biology and focusing on pre-med”
- Emily Fishel: “I’m going to St. Kate’s and majoring in sonography”
- Reese Miller: “St. Scholastica for nursing”
- Calista Brotemarkle: “I’m going to Hamline University. I’m going for business analytics and marketing and to play Lacrosse”
- Alex Queen: “I’m going to Purdue for engineering”
- Karoline Curlo: “St. Ben’s for biology but I don’t know about that”
- Brynn Sticha: “St. Thomas for finance or data analytics”
- Carter Speckmann: “I’m going to St. Thomas for marketing”
- Ellie Morris: “I’m going to UW Stout for fashion”
- Jacob Malcha: “St. John’s University and I am undecided still”
- Karlie Bjerke: “Going to the College of St. Benedict for elementary education“
- Rachael Pumper: “Winona State University for nursing”
- Nolan Widmer: “A degree in computer science and I don’t know where yet”
- Cale Emerson: “I’m going to college at Vermilion Community College. I’m going to be a backcountry guide”
- Becca VonBank: “I’m going to the University of Wisconsin Eau Claire for education”
- Emma Gullickson: “I’m going to Eau Claire to major in criminal Justice”
- Lacy Kratochvil: “I’m going to Iowa State for biology”
- Abby Molstad: “I’m majoring in biology at Iowa State”
- Cole Logelin: “High Point University North Carolina for creative writing”
- Leah Holicky: “I’m going to the University of Minnesota Duluth for chemistry”
- Jeffery Price: “Continue to be a stud. Iowa State for aerospace engineering”
- Kassidy Cross: “I’m going to MSU Mankato. I don’t know what I’m going to major or minor in. I guess I’ll figure it out”
- Jordan Clay: Going to college at University of Wisconsin Eau Claire for environmental science”
- Shelby Bolar: “I am going to the University of North Dakota for nursing”
- Keely Hrabe: “Going to Mankato State kind of undecided but I have interest in criminology and criminal justice”
- Abby Wight: Going to University of St Thomas to major in biology on a pre-med track.
- Sammie Kotek: “I’m going to UW Stout to major in mechanical engineering”
- Breanna Franek: “Northwestern Health Sciences for radiation therapy”
- Aubrey Weckman: “I’m going to college of St. Benedict major in Chem”
- Kaitlyn Stoffel: “I’m going to Iowa State for engineering”
- Morgan Masberg: “Most likely Dunwoody General construction manager”
- Aiden Wagner: “Going to the navy”
- Ben Schmitz: “Going to University of St Thomas for business”
- Aiden King: “Going to University of Wisconsin LaCrosse for Math”
- Max Deluca: “I’m going to Winona to major in Biology”
- Billy Dopp: “Alexandria tech for law enforcement”
- Jess Lee: “I’m going to Winona to major in cellular and molecular biology”
- Kai Ahrens: “Going to UW Stout for computer science and animation”
- Rachel Turek: “Century college for mental and behavioral health after a gap year
- Bailey Newman: “I’m going to Gustavus majoring in biology science; pre med isn’t a major”
- Nicola Jindra: “I’m going to college at Minnesota State University Mankato. I’m undecided right now, but I am going to do my generals and hopefully figure what I want to do.”
- Lydia Popple: “I’m going down to the University of Mississippi for computer science”