Mamma Mia opens November 18

October 26, 2022
With every new school year, comes a new fall musical. The theater department at New Prague High School is getting busy with this year’s production of Mamma Mia! As usual, it is stage directed by Ben Thietje and musically directed and choreographed by Nicole Thietje. The show is stage managed by senior Abi Bartusek.
If you are not familiar with this show, it is a hilarious musical filled with none other than ABBA’s greatest hits. The show begins with Donna Sheridan, a single mom, running a hotel on the Greek Islands. While preparing for her daughter Sophie’s wedding, her old friends Tanya and Rosie come to the islands to help her out and to have a little fun. Meanwhile, Sophie has plans of her own. In hopes of discovering who her dad is and finding someone to walk her down the aisle, she secretly invites three of her mother’s past love interests from 20 years ago: Bill Austin, Harry Bright, and Sam Carmichael.
The show’s cast includes Kayla Einertson (11th) as Sophie Sheridan; Sophie’s friends Ali (Savannah Ryburn, gr. 11) and Lisa (Amara Prochaska, gr. 12). Sophie’s fiance, Sky, is played by freshman Gabriel Challberg. Donna Sheridan, Sophie’s mom, is played by Sophia Huebner (12th). Donna needs help preparing for Sophie’s wedding so she calls her best friends Tanya (Kadyn Anderson, gr. 11) and Rosie (Leslie Otero, gr. 11). Sophie brings Donna’s past love interests into the show: Bill Austin (Micah Anderson, gr. 12), Harry Bright (Mikkal Hvidsten, gr. 11), and Sam Carmichael (Gabriel Juenemann, gr. 12).
A mom. A daughter. And three dads?! What will happen with the wedding? Who will walk Sophie down the aisle? You will never know unless you come to see New Prague High School’s production of Mamma Mia! Tickets are general admission, and they are only 10 dollars for adults and 8 dollars for students up to 12th grade. Performances are at 7:30 on Friday, November 18th, and Saturday, November 19th and 26th. If you prefer to see an earlier show, there are two matinee performances at 2:00 on Sunday, November 20th and 27th. Tickets go on sale soon at this address.