The One-Act Play that Goes Wrong open March 24
March 31, 2023
In March the theater department peformed The One-Act Play that Goes Wrong. This is an incredibly unique show because it’s a comedic piece about a British theatre company that is absolutely terrible at theatre. In the show, the company puts on a production of a murder mystery show, and basically, everything that can go wrong does. In addition to terrible acting and direction, lines are forgotten, props go missing, actors are knocked unconscious onstage, and even more!

A veteran of the stage, senior Phia Huebner, loved being in the show: “It is so funny! I have never done a show like this before, and it’s so wild and goofy!”
Part of what makes the show so distinctive is how involved the technical aspects are. There are many bits and schticks that rely upon the crew backstage to be effective. Additionally, it is a difficult play to direct. Director Benjamin Thietje says this is one of the hardest shows he’s ever blocked (blocking is where and how the actors stand and move onstage). This show had the audience laughing from the moment the actors walked on stage.