Archery team competes at state
March 27, 2023
Friday and Saturday, March 24 and 25 in Duluth. In total, nearly 1700 students from 50 different programs competed. Archers shot 10 and 15 meter bullseye as well as 10-15 meter 3D targets in the Amsoil Arena, Pioneer Hall, and Duluth Entertainment Convention Center.

New Prague’s high school team scored 3206, finishing 14th of 25 qualifying teams. Leading the team’s effort was Jayda Blaschko’s 278, followed by Ellie Bawdon with a 277, Isabel Sirek with a 270, Ezekial Russo with a 270, and Jacob Pexa and Brienna Klepperich with 268s.

Archers that scored their top score of the year at the state tournament included Jayda Blaschko, Allison Ott, Carter Callahan, Jacob Pexa, Kellgren Jabs, Mason Raaen, Clayton Johnson, and Liam Nordby. A special congratulations to Senior Selah Scherman, who was recognized in the awards ceremony as the $1000 scholarship recipient for writing the best essay on the impact that participating in archery has had on her life.