Meier moves from Spanish to Language Arts

May 15, 2023
New Prague School’s recent budget cuts eliminated many programs and left various staff members in difficult positions. Current Spanish teacher, Julie Meier, was affected by these changes. Meier will remain a staff member at New Prague; however, she will not be teaching her Spanish specialty. After 16 years of teaching Spanish, Señora will retire her Spanish knowledge and jump into teaching English. Since many students come into Spanish with little to no knowledge, Meier states she will miss watching students continue to learn and grow their Spanish skills from a beginner’s stage.
Although a huge change, Meier is excited about her movement into the Language Arts Department. Any large change carries worries and concerns; she is most nervous about learning the new curriculum and becoming familiar with the material. Even though change can be scary, Meier is optimistic for her new role in the LA Department. She shares she is most excited to, “move into a different position and role and work with different students.” Señora Meier is looking forward to trying something new and pushing herself to learn more, with that being said. ¡Adiós Español! Hello English!