New advisory program in place

Julia Edwards, Writer

The advisory program is a current platform originally established to give students a way to connect with their teachers academically; however, recently there have been a few changes. According to Ms. Jill Sabol, one of the main staff involved in the newly reformed advisory program, the main purpose of the program is to make sure kids who need help get help. Before the change, 100% of the staff was available for students to receive help every Wednesday before school. However, with 35% of the student body being assigned to an advisory, only 21% were attending. 

Now, advisory occurs Wednesdays in between 6th and 7th hour, and advisory classrooms are based on a loop system. A student gets paired with an advisory teacher, along with a class of other students, and stays with that advisor until they graduate high school. The hope is that this change will cultivate a more personal, specialized, and connected classroom, giving the teacher the ability to directly help each student. 

Each classroom is also based on year in school, leading to easier planning of topics to discuss in each class. For seniors, advisory will emphasize college and employability, along with discussing financial topics and how to save and spend money efficiently. Juniors will focus on test preparation with an emphasis on ACT prep as well as college readiness and careers. For sophomores, emphasis will be on grade development and test-taking skills, along with how to effectively use time and resources. Freshman classes will emphasize transition to high school and skills needed to succeed in the high school environment. 

Each grade will also focus on self-reflection and identifying each way students learn best. The new advisory program is specifically created to benefit the students of New Prague High School, and will hopefully lead to a more connected and successful school year.